Why Is doTERRA Different?

To achieve such a grand vision as bringing essential oils to the world required a team of dedicated people. This team would need to be made up of people dedicated to hard work, commitment, passion, and vision. That team has grown since its initial inception, but the mission remains the same — to provide essential oils that appeal to everyone from the novice to the expert, and that can be used safely on your loved ones. 


One Drop Can Change YOUR Life!

  • Get a Sample

    Would you like to experience a doTERRA sample perfect for your top health priority? Perhaps you've been thinking about purchasing a starter kit but you're just not sure what the difference is between doTERRA and all the other brands?

    Tell me - what is one thing (or three) you would love to solve using doTERRA oils?
    I’d love to offer you a sample experience.

    You may be wondering what you'll do with them when they arrive. I’ll walk you through how to use your samples and follow up till you have an awesome experience. Then your next questions will be: what did you do before these oils? And how do you get more?!

  • Get a Membership Now

    dōTERRA puts kits together that are more affordable than if you bought your oils individually. This is one of the ways that you can purchase below wholesale.

    Our goal is to support you in living a natural lifestyle so that when things come up like pain, allergies, colds or the flu, instead of reaching for medicine, you can reach for natural solutions - that don’t have any side effects!

    If you know which enrollment kit you want, click the button to go to dōTERRA’s site and enroll yourself on our team. If you kinda know but want some guidance, click the Chat with me button up above and we can talk over your priorities & goals first!

Tho I first found Nia as a means to heal my body, it wasn’t long before I realized that I was healing my heart and spirit, too. And doTERRA? Same. Same. First to soothe throat discomfort and achy joints. I soon learned each oil has an emotional component (even the ones for physical issues) and soothes my heart and spirit, as well.

If you, like me, sometimes feel that you can’t dance or express yourself clearly, at least without censoring. If your mind gets caught up in comparison, self-judgment & criticism. If you’ve come to believe bullshit stories like you’re too much/not enough. If you can’t see your beauty and the gift you are to the world. Then you are in the right place. A sanctuary. A sisterhood. A community.

Welcome, dear one! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤 It’s time to remember your greatness!